Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Not The Enemy

You arrive unexpectedly
as the sound of the bell at dawn
awakening me from meditation.

The sound of your words
curl like the notes of a poem
wrapping the tendrils of green
around the trellis of my mind.

Soon the purple of morning glories
or soft sweet peas
may burst into blossom
as I let the idea of kindness
take root.

Walk with me in this garden,
sweet friend, and we shall teach each other
about unconditional love.
It is here we know
we are not the enemy

but, instead, lovers
who have never left
each others’ sides.

In this early light
I trace the edges of your face
with my smiling eyes
and there is nothing more
required to find
all that I will ever need.

I pray only
that we are
safe and protected,
strong and healthy,
find love and peace,
and live at ease and with joy.
Wake Me

Pinch me.
Wave your hands
in front of my tired eyes
and tell me I’m not dreaming.

Tell me I’ve awakened
from this long, dark night
to find hope in the smile
and the beautiful words of a man
who promises to be honest
and to listen to me
especially when we disagree.

This morning after
I did not jerk my hand away
to snap the radio off
but turned the sound of his voice
toward that core of who I am
so that he might whisper
those words of hope,
coaxing the embers of trust
back to life.

“Yes we can”
he says to my heart of hearts.
