Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Eternal Sounds

When I retire for the night,
fresh with timid words
and exhausted from the strain of the day,
let me slog slowly
into the darkness
weaving stars
and sunshine
into my dreaming.

I jostle all day long
like a wagon full of heavy stones
and when I finally arrive at my place of rest
I am eternally embossed with prayers of gratitude.

My face is pocked with the weariness of the world.
My heart is the filter for all that must be done.

Rock me slowly in the twilight
and the eternal sounds of God's voice
will sing to us all.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

False Front

The charged heat that arrives in the body
with the force of aging weaponry
on my doorstep again. War on youth
cannot be submerged for long.

This bottleneck of hormones
is part of the passage
from the serene flow of blood
that rises and falls by the phases
of the moon to nothingness.

I become a mannequin of myself again,
soul walking out of the body
just to survive the stiff and false front
that life has become.

And the breath--
is just the fire
that will remind me
where home really lives.

Monday, April 21, 2014


Finally 70 degrees
I planned to play hooky,
dig in the dirt,
play whiffle ball,
and make left overs
because it is easier.

Why squander a day like today indoors
after a long and dark winter
that everyone complained would never end?

In haste, I changed my tires to all season
in hopes of driving away the cold and whiteness.
It is a gamble to plant sweet peas and lily of the valley
on the same day, but I've thrown caution to the wind
and even harvested a tiny burn to my nose and cheeks.

Freckles aren't far
from this pink
and sun drenched day.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Yoga Class

Such a rich and anonymous cuisine
I taste in this flexible body

posed in saline rich skin
and arching, riveted
to the soul.

I am more alive
in this simple movement

than any other nourishment
I have ever let pass into
my hungry and thirsty