Friday, July 27, 2012


How does one atone
for the days
when you grit your teeth
and let the knot in your belly
spill bile
into the spite you carry
like prayer beads
through your days?

Count the errors,
the harm,
the harsh words,
the deeds done
and left undone,
one sin at a time,
and you will know
your suffering
a thousand times over.

Here you are a shadow of yourself
that joy forgot to cultivate
and that laughter
will never truly find.

Give it away,
this ill gotten treasure,
this inheritance of grief,
Give it all away to the passing breezes
where no thought stays for long
and be free to walk away
into the arms of the beloved.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Singing Prayers

I chant
loving kindness
with the Master.

May you be safe and protected.
May you be strong and healthy.
May you find love and peace.
May you live at ease and with so much joy.

My voice directs my prayers
to sail to the ears of God
as my heart,
the magnet for all suffering,
releases the pain gathered
in a fire that warms us
and takes the shiver
from the lonely nights.

May you be safe and protected.

May you be strong and healthy.

May you find love and peace.
May you live at ease and with so much joy.
I see you
and I bow, brow to the earth,
knowing this illusion
will fade
and flow away
like the river
takes the petals
of summer
to the sea.

Om Namo Bagavate Vasudevaya.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012


This trial
of the setting sun
where the skies suffer
with light;
flashes with color
and a hint of the man
in the moon,
with his knowing
and all that wisdom,
is almost more than
I can endure
after so much darkness.

I would do anything
to ascend those stairs
and be subsumed
by the strength
of that body.

But my bones are weak
from bearing the weight
of others and their stories
of so much pain.

I ache for

I look at the
waxing moon
and wail
for the next 
world to come.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Letting Go

This curtain,
white and beautiful,
is my respite;

the quiet swish
of all that pursues
my mind,

makes the thoughts scurry
and rush through the days
and the nights.

I am a woman in thrall
to the promise
of small steps

toward understanding,
the peace of solving puzzles,
and finding

that nothing
can be free
that is offered
with a smile.

Only the bowing act
of prayer
and the curve
of the expanding heart,
or perhaps the dusty foot
on the path,

make it possible
to let go.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I bristle at the ways I have tangled myself
into trust.

My lip quivers at the truth
pleading to release
all the fear and anger
at what I must see.

There is nothing to figure out
on this path along the waters
where negotiation is lost among the rushes.

Release all that holds me to the thorns
and thistles.  Let me sink into the flowers
and the enchantment of everything
that sets me free.