Sunday, January 16, 2011

Prayer III

The night awakens
like a sleepy bird
on her roost,
feathers flattened
and needing a shake
after so much stillness.

The sun is glowing
at the seams of the door
where dawn can’t help
but shine through
and announce
another day
for joy to leap
into the room
on the breath
of the believers.

Look no further
than the tips of cool fingers
or the crown of the dream tussled head
and freedom can be found
in the expectation of nothing
and in the kindness of the stranger within.
Prayer II

Gather the beauty
of the body
around the heart fire
and light enough
to fill the day
with courage
to love deeply,
to heal the wounded,
and to see with every cell
in one human
the infinity
of our unconditional
that must be honored
with kindness.

Here we will find peace.

Here we will find our Nirvana.
Prayer I

Circle the heart
with the warmth of love
and find yourself open
to the possibility of healing.

Dream of the sacred places
inside yourself and soon
you will be surrounded
in the light of truth and peace.

Do not be influenced
by a world of fear
and rules that are not in tune
with the universe
and her powerful ways.

Trust yourself
and all that is whole within you
and joy will find a place
in the center of your life
that can’t help but focus
all things.