Friday, April 3, 2020

The Call

None of us can ever really be ready for it,
the incessant ringing telling us
a fragment of our heart
has gone missing,
vanished into thin air
with one last breath.

Each loss examined in the past
with the brute force of the Soul
doing all it could to stay present;
flexed muscles ready to bolt,
is forgotten as we are cast into quiet chaos
by the reminder of our fragile veil of skin.

Today, when I thought the coast was clear,
that the medicine and mission of the medical world had worked,
the attachment to the delights of life was solid,
a Beloved is taken into oblivion
by sacred words
we cannot translate.

This might be the greatest sin of omission,
where God and all that is holy
takes us by the hand
and leads us all into the darkness
with no navigation system 
and throws us into the rocks 
we had no way to see.

“Trust me”
has no meaning
as we call out
looking for a friend.

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Odyssey of Waiting

Thoughts aflutter,
mind restless and feeling cooped up,
I settle on a jaunt down Sunset Lake Road
to loosen my knotted head.

I swing my arms to free the riddle
of wanting to organize the spaces and time
gone wild with meddlesome clutter.

The floor covered with sorted papers
and one too many unused printers,
gifts to be given at some unknown celebration,
wrapping paper left abandoned by my daughter
like a shipwreck of white and gold,
and the cards and letters never written
to a forgotten sweetheart or father and mother
passed away.

All these must go into files or to my son’s new apartment,
to the recycling or 2nd hand stores to peddle unmercifully to others
so they might lounge on someone else’s shelves
an odyssey of waiting
only to stop the madness
of what could be
everything sacred
if left to no devices. 

Move like a woman with purpose
to any pinnacle on this journey
but to the heap that will not be quenched
by shuffling to a new corner. 

My nervous memory
prompts me to pitch everything overboard
and start fresh as some new fiddle tune
at the summer Solstice contra dance.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Power of Words

It takes a miracle
to produce a word.

The human mind and body
must work together in harmony
to find the truth in a sound.

The thought moves freely
like a fish through a net
into the mouth and throat
with lungs and jaw and tongue
working stealthily to cross the threshold
of the enlightened and luminous lips.

The callous brain of an adult
thinks nothing of their language.
A simple “good morning!” or “more please”
when the coffee arrives hot
and vital to waking up
are results of years of training
for the average American mind.

There is no room for “Buenos dias”
or “buongiorno” for us.  That door is closed
like a border during war time.
We’d rather go on and on and on
without a second thought
about nothing
in English.

It is as simple as A, B, C.

Even a baby rambling on to her mother
with joyful expectation of breakfast
and banging her spoon on the tray of her highchair
knows the power of “Mama” by the smile she evokes
and the power of “NO! No! no!”

Monday, March 30, 2020

The Last Day of March

The last day of March
drags her feet as slow as death
out like a lion.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Waking Up for Nothing

Time is a luxury we’ve all longed for,
our most precious gift
of assurance that we mean sometime,
have something to do to prove ourselves

And now, with so much fever to worry about,
we blush to get ready for the camera
at our home office—
polish, powder, paint
applied with a feather touch,
with care to flirt with what was,
in order to get through another day.

We ache for the touch of reality
that gives us something to wake up for,
something face to face
that helps us know
we are alive.