Thursday, June 12, 2008

Daisies Opening on a June Morning in New Hampshire

They are opening today
just like they do every June
bringing adoring breath to my open heart.
White petals unfold
insisting on love
with the absolute truth
that only a flower on a long stem
smiling at the sun can do.

Love, I want you.
I want your belly pressed to mine,
your forehead firmly against mine
so I might see your eyes,
look to the center of you,
so that there is no need to ask you for more light
or to open yourself wider to allow me to plunge deeper
into these waters we’ve come to explore.

I promise to take nothing
but what has been mine before.
I offer you these daisies today,
one perpetual petal at a time,
as an offering
of no expectation
but beauty
and the kindness of your heart
that can’t help but love
in the absolute terms
of this exact moment
in this exact life
in the spaces and lines
between the white petals
of a June flower.

Reality looks just like this radiance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you might find this interesting. I created it just for fun form the text of your past few posts.
