Saturday, September 5, 2009

Peaches for a Pie

The thin blade of my knife
slips easily into the sweet flesh
of the peaches.

My fingers and palms
are covered in the thick slickness
as the skins and pits fall into the sink
and I slice the fruit into the curve 
of the blue glass bowl.

My hips lean into the counter
to do this quiet summer chore
and I can't help the thought of your mouth
that enters the dim light of the afternoon kitchen.

What my hands could offer
that empty fasting place
with one simple gesture
like priest to believer.

And in that moment of faith
I disappear into sugar,
flour and butter I cut so small
no one will notice

the stutter in my breath
as the shadow of awakening
slips his hands
around my waist
and whispers love 
into my ear.

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