Monday, December 28, 2009

Sacred Space

Inhale December air
freshly washed with rain,
where snow was expected
and the sun surprises the eye
with new light
that was lost in fog
and the mist of melting
only hours before,
and you will know
my sacred space.

Trees stand tall here
and dare to reach for the heavens
only because their roots are planted—
have grown deeply down
into the veins of granite,
heavy anchors
to Mother Earth.

Breathe with me in the silence of this place
and you will suddenly find your belly touching mine,
skin exchanging oxygen through every pore,
the surface open
like cells absorbing
necessary nourishment.

Your soul shadow is painted
on the delicate walls
inside the cave of my body.
In this temporary temple
ancient symbols draw conclusions,
and poetry is written
in a language only we share
and must recite
before the dawn of waking
and at the rituals
welcoming the night
where we kneel before the alter
of each other,
gently touch the face of the blessed,
and embrace what we have learned
of peace.

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