Friday, August 20, 2010

Of Nothing

Resting on the shore
of your body
I am silent
in the muted light
of a half moon.

What joyful dream is this
that allows me to return
to this safe haven
time and time again
with a key to kindness jangling
in my otherwise empty pocket?

The water surrounds us
on all sides
of this island of compassion.
Here the treasure
is buried under
the surface of our skin
and in the wide open cavity
of our hearts.
The world is an unnecessary map
as we have discovered everything
glittering and gold in our loving.

You crawl in to the secret of me
and appear as if all purple
and lush green light
has been extracted
from the night’s sky
and arrives fully formed
in the smile you have delivered
freely from the promise
of nothing.

I breathe as if remembering
10,000 lifetimes
and have whispered the words
of a prayer taught to me
by every other
mirrored image of you.

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