Saturday, May 14, 2011

Morning Poem

The trembling leaves
of my hope
are tender and still
pink around the edges
of the green and golden light
of another
new May morning.

Fear and the iron taste
of aching anger
no longer live
at the base of my brain
but have been abandoned
near the sea’s shore
for the first tide
to wash these deaths away
with salt
and the vigor of cold waters.

Hold me to your chest
like breath returning
to empty lungs.
Feel the warmth of my hands
over your heart
where blood flows red
with the kindness of only truth.

It is at the remembering of this purity
that I wish to awaken
every day.


Anonymous said...

The weight of it all,
the weight of it all...
alone in the maze,
as if tested in blues,
until we emerge, rested
clean, stronger, younger.


Long Ridge Deer Camp said...

What a wonderful place in life to be coming too! Salud! And be well...