Monday, June 13, 2011

Return Address

Just write.
Just put the sharp point
of your pen to the almost empty page
and let the words make their way
past the milky screen of your mind
flow like the trickle of life
over the dam
full to overflowing
with the unimaginable power
to inform the heart,
to change the shape
of the landscape
like a flood
God sends to cleanse
the earth from darkness.

Just write
and let the soft body of your words
be what they must be.
Let them love what they love
and not cage the obvious flesh
that was meant to touch
and gather electricity into magic
each night gathering magic under the skin
until dancing becomes art of motion,
until eye contact with your lover
is enough to light a city
with all that sweetness.

Just write
in the comfort of the mornings
where the breath is easy and full.
Pen letters.
Outline stories.
Sketch the beautiful curves
of breasts and the smooth line
of a hip like you are seeing them
for the first time.

Address the envelope
to the universe
and clearly print
the return address
to the place
your heart lives.

It is where the sound of tomorrow
knows where to find you

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