Saturday, June 9, 2012

Small Explosions on the Surface of the Skin

The electricity of the body
flows through muscle and bone
and in the spaces between cells
red as blood and breathing

and as in another interpretation
of what it means
to be human,
the miracle of life,
the energy of the universe
hovers above the body
at the surface of the skin
like morning mist;
like angels
waiting for a space
to land.

The simple beauty of lightning
happens here
just like it does
when locking eyes
with a soul you have met
before in some other life
and recognize
you've found each other
in this new body
surrounded by these thoughts
and this mind that sparks
meaning in the tips of fingers
and on the laughing tongues
that speak the truth
and know what it means
to activate
small explosions
of kindness

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