Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Disappearing Into Each Other

Carve your thoughts from pure brilliance;
light shining into light
that makes you squint
and turn away.

Cleave the ideas of forgiveness
away from the bone,
wrench yourself free from the hold
the earth has on your mind
and you may awaken
at the turning of the key
in the lock
of this door
painted red
for abundance
of so many lives.

I am an old soul tonight.
I can feel my body buzz
with the deep knowledge
that we are
the keepers of our sisters
and our brothers
and the tongues
of the universe
as they speak to me

one gesture of kindness at a time.
One moment at the edge of jumping
into the big pond
of glistening stars.

One splash
before we disappear
into each other.

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