Thursday, January 17, 2013


If I were queen
my shrine would not be hasty collections
of jewelry or shiny objects of desire.

No, if I were queen,
it would be different.

We would barter
face to face for loving kindness
and crisis would be given no heed.

That object of suffering
would be cast aside
with the beggars and thieves
of too much time.

If I were queen
we would hold hands, old friend,
and sing songs everyone knew
and pray to a Creator
who loves us all
enough to let us walk away
from the confines of a single lifetime
into the sunset -- dancing
as if nothing and no one
was more important that moving
our bodies in joy--

like our voice raised
meant harmony
and the attunement of  souls
who need to touch belly to belly
playing at everything
we ever wanted.

1 comment:

bacsi said...

this morning's "balm in Gilead", like a single prayer gong resonating to set the day's posture....