Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Remember the days when the snow was deep as your thighs,
the days of wind lasted forever,
and we stood as still as the thermometer
at 40 below?

This is where we scraped the windows of lacy frost
and peer into the darkness
of all white and absolute zero.

It was enough to watch
a Minnesota parlour trick
when water turns solid
thrown in the air
and lands on earth
as frozen angels.

In this barren wasteland
the innocent became aware of block heaters
and the sin of owning a diesel.

Even from a distance
I can feel the small hairs
inside my nose
and light in my eyelashes
freeze immediately. . .
first breath

We waited for the day when 6 degrees
felt like spring
and you could leave your coat unzipped.
Leave your gloves on the counter
and not have to turn back
to survive the cold
turning your hands
to icicles
that couldn't
get a grip
on anything
to warm.