Sunday, May 15, 2016


The velocity of love,
lasso and tall boots included,
swishes above our heads,

gallops into the gracious sunset
boldly undisturbed by gravity
and shallow furrows in the earth
from which we all crawled.

Dust boils and heat waves shimmer in the distance.
In this arid and forlorn place we are endlessly trawling
for opulent words that cultivate the perfect moment
for romance, a lonesome trail song,
or some other mystery to be sung around the campfire
under the brilliant stars
and marveling at a round and radiant moon.

I am just another thorn under the saddle of losses,
afraid to look before the long day's ride is over.

It is fear that tracks me on this tired journey,
hungry and waiting for the predator
to see the weakness limping
near the edge of abundant joy.

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