Tuesday, May 1, 2007

May Day

When I was a little girl we made May Baskets out of Dixie cups and pipe cleaners and filled them with candy treats for the neighbors. The trick was to deliver them by placing them on the stoop of the neighbor, ring the doorbell, and run away so they didn’t see us delivering them. What great fun for a 2nd or 3rd grader!

Today I got to have lunch with my good friend Mary who has moved away from New England and lives in Kansas. I got to remember the surprise I get when a friend is suddenly back in my midst and the amazing joy I felt getting to hang out with her even if just for a couple of hours over lunch. I have had so many amazing people come and go in my life and today I got to be with Mary who was the first person who was my friend alone. She wasn’t connected to my children or my husband or anything other than my own circle of influence. It was so wonderful to get to claim Mary as MY friend. My Mary and all of her quirks and beauty.

Who knows when I’m going to get to see her next. . .but today was wonderful and I’m so glad I had that time with her.

1 comment:

D. Bjorn--Ursus Maritimus Solutum said...

My lunch today was a hamburger eaten in quick bites between students. When I get done with my grading in a little bit, I'm going to write about one of my students who had an AMAZING revelation today. Oy.

Peace to you, my friend.