Tuesday, May 15, 2007



Come and find me
when you discover
where love begins,
where love ends—
when the elements
that make up your body
and my body
are not a betrayal,
but an opening to the great
knowing of all the ages.

Run to the dark corner of the universe
if that is what you must do today.

It does not matter. Love
will find the opening--this door,
in this life, or the next,
or the one after that.
It is then that the atoms
that make up your spirit
will understand
who you are
as a great lover,
the bringer of some small peace
to a world confused
by the expectations
of a false pride.
There is no ego here.
There is only the transformation
of the world from fear
into the golden flame
of love.

1 comment:

D. Bjorn--Ursus Maritimus Solutum said...

This is another thinker.

You're gonna make my brain hurt. :)