Monday, May 14, 2007


I can’t do it today. I can’t make my face look happy. If this were my last year, this would be a sad weekend of loss. I should have been overflowing my joy for celebration of my son’s second birthday and for digging up the ground to get ready to plant. I just couldn’t get myself to that place.

What is it about life. . .when everything should be wonderful, happy, content and it doesn’t seem possible to get there. So much of my life, when it is unhappy, is about being confined by people’s expectations or the norms of our culture. Left to my own patterns and opinions, I’d be happy most of the time. If I could ignore what other people tell me I’m supposed to think and feel. . .I’d be left without that veil of doubt.

Let’s talk about love for a minute. A friend recently asked me about being “in” love. I told him I didn’t really know what that meant any more. As I learn more about the world . . .there’s nothing I know about American “love” that fits. If I am left to my own thinking and feeling, I can often get filled up with love for my children and for my friends. I can find good boundaries and outline this life with lots of love. But “in” love seems to be something more of a function of our cultural expectations. . .Hollywood. . .In love for me is about being so filled with love that I start to overflow into a spiritual/sexual/physical expression that is about an unexplainable connection. This love can’t be contained in words or a common life of adoration. . .it spills over into the passion of creation and connection that can only be absorbed at the spiritual level. I think I’ve been “in” love a few times in my life. I am just not sure my evolving definition fits with anything I meet these days. There’s no definition that fits in our culture for the person I become when I think of that kind of love. It isn’t who I am as a wife. It is more of who I am as a mother or a friend. It is much more expansive than one relationship—sexual or not.

Today I want to tear down my expectations. Today I want to take down barriers and untie myself from any kind of rule that makes love smaller. I want to be open to the possibilities of something much greater that what is available to me now. I want the universe to rush in to all the empty places and fill me with joy that knows nothing of fear or disappointment. I want to be ignorant to everything but love.

1 comment:

D. Bjorn--Ursus Maritimus Solutum said...

handing you the tools you'll need to tear down those expectations...hard hat, safety glasses, ear protection (there's gonna be screaming and screeching at some point -- there always is), a crowbar and mallet...

There ya go, mi amigo. Have at it! And if you need any spotters, you know how to find me.