Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Blessed Trinity

I miss it--
the ritual of Sunday--
of forcing myself to get up
and make myself go out
to the place where other spirit seekers
gather together, look each other in the eye
and offer one another
even a sign of peace.

We sang.
Oh, we sang,
unashamed of harmony.
I’d belt it out in the pews
next to mumblers
and the deep rumbles
of elders who knew
all the songs by heart.

The courage it took
to bend down
upon entering God’s house
to bless my own head
with clear & holy water
and submit to that kindness
humbles me now.

Admitting the Father,
a son, and the ghost of a chance
could heal me
was enough for a while.
It was enough to open my heart
to the most sacred spaces
I come to with each breath now.

The alter of now is the table
where the sacred trinity
is light
is peace
and the most generous love.
Daily these blessings are served
for all who will take and eat
and be filled to overflowing
with grace.

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