Sunday, June 20, 2010

Swarm on the Solstice

The hum of summer
lives inside my mouth today
like a swarm of contented bees
drunk on honey,
the hive celebrating
her Queen by busily fanning
the energy of kindness
all around this beautiful center
of sweetness.

As the sun rises to her highest,
the moon picks up speed--
waxing toward fullness,
sharing the brilliance of light
even in the blue of the day.
These round mysteries
can’t help themselves
as they dance together.
Their movements suggest a joy
we might all share in this
remembered awakening.

The ocean breezes have come
to the wings of my skin
from far away on this morning
the same way they have
for a thousand lifetimes
on this first day of summer.
The tendrils near this soft longing
sigh with a breath
that will be taken in again
and gentled toward the core
like a whisper
of all the times I have loved
so fully that I burst open
in golden green and violet light
and I laugh out loud,
vibrating like the hive around me,
as royal as all summers
that take flight to some new home.

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