Monday, April 16, 2012

Single Blossom

Discover phlox,
or maybe a single
delicate grape hyacinth
you didn't know
was strung like beads
from an invisible thread
around your neck,
and you will learn about

The garden planted by the last keeper
of this little plot
said vows in this place.
She birthed her babies near
and taught them to laugh and walk here.
The girl children
twirled in skirts and danced
in the petals of apples.

And now, you cast your lot
to the breezes and promise yourself
that joy will come every day--the invisible
and the raging beauty.

New tulips bloom in early April, red and striped
with white.
New lullabies are sung here
for boys who will listen.
And there is dreaming beyond union
to that present moment where all can
love what is right in front,
where the heart can so easily

On the horizon the pink haze of glass
and the sturdiness of steel
cast my prayers
to the feathers of sky
and to the eager mouth,
a daffodil
waiting to kiss
one delicate day.


bacsi said...

beautiful anthem to a beautiful day, so lovely...

bacsi said...

simplicity and complexity, impermanence and visceral dancing beauty right before our eyes in this moment, as time swirls on, captured in this moment in this a "daffodil waiting to kiss one delicate day"....