Friday, June 29, 2012


On the last day at the beach
I walk full of words
and full of love
that collects in me
like all the days
of a lifetime
in one moment

I am the sands
after the storm
that displays the beauty
and the bounty of the sea.

Shell, pink sea weed,
stones the size of a hand
and glass washed smooth
next to cages and bits of frayed rope
at my feet.
I want to gather it all in my pockets
and drag myself back to the inland
with my treasures
no matter how heavy
and cumbersome
they become.

It is my gourd of water
on the desert.
The spray of saltiness
on my lips
the longing for more days
like this day.

I fall to my knees
at the edge of the sea
like falling
and gladly consumed
by so much love.

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