Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Power of Words

It takes a miracle
to produce a word.

The human mind and body
must work together in harmony
to find the truth in a sound.

The thought moves freely
like a fish through a net
into the mouth and throat
with lungs and jaw and tongue
working stealthily to cross the threshold
of the enlightened and luminous lips.

The callous brain of an adult
thinks nothing of their language.
A simple “good morning!” or “more please”
when the coffee arrives hot
and vital to waking up
are results of years of training
for the average American mind.

There is no room for “Buenos dias”
or “buongiorno” for us.  That door is closed
like a border during war time.
We’d rather go on and on and on
without a second thought
about nothing
in English.

It is as simple as A, B, C.

Even a baby rambling on to her mother
with joyful expectation of breakfast
and banging her spoon on the tray of her highchair
knows the power of “Mama” by the smile she evokes
and the power of “NO! No! no!”

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