Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Waiting For Love

In this respite of time,
a prayer answered,
I embrace the morning
where there is only the sound of small birds
and the flutter of the furnace
warming the air near the cat’s register.

She is only too happy to sit,
the heat blowing into her bones,
her soft greyness fluttering,
eyes nearly closed in delight
in that mechanical breeze.

My mind repeats the ricochet
of thoughts about silence and suffering;
a world full of isolation and fear.
I rummage around for courage,
capture my breath
in lungs that swell and fall
like the angry sea after a storm.

In the spaces between a moment
peace shimmers.

In this light
an angel swells,
divides like an embryo
in my unoccupied womb.

Here I am,
waiting for love
to tell me what to do next.

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