Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Acts of Rain

The forget-me-nots
left me breathless tonight

after the sky began to fade
into evening
and my eyes relaxed
into limpid understanding
of this beauty of another
exotic spring where blue
is not taken for granted
and the swiftly approaching
summer and her flaxen days
fall short of expectations.

Soon I will plant sunflowers
and tomatoes and the round globes of peas
into my rich soil.  Fat worms slither
and move mountains with their small bodies
just outside my door yard.

But tonight,
I am in love with the delicate edges
of daffodils and pink promises
of bleeding hearts
and the way they entwine
in the softness of the air
that chills my sweaty skin
breathing deeply after mowing.

Imagine it all,
just before sunset
and another
random act
of rain. 

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